Conference Promotion Assistant Coordinator
VaHomeschoolers is in great need of help to assist in promoting our upcoming conference. Please read the prerequisites and check with your friends and their adult children to see if they are available for help for the next few weeks.
Job description: Work closely with conference committee to promote our March 23-24 conference, in print and online. Writing/updating/customizing press releases, placing phone calls to community papers, updating contact and calendar lists and drafting member announcements.
Appropriate for: Homeschooling parent or college-age student
Requisite skills: Strong writing skills a must, organizing and being detail oriented, ability to follow through on tasks and document work done, ability to manage volunteer helpers with tact. After applying, you will be asked to submit writing samples.
Time commitment requested: Several hours a week until March 1 when work will slow a bit. The person who accepts this assignment will be trained to take over the position of Conference Promotion Coordinator for 2013. We do have some templates from last year to work on but they will need to be updated with this year’s information.
What we offer: Valuable hands-on experience in public relations and managing people. This is a serious, short-term job, and we will be happy to provide references for employment and/or college admissions and scholarships.