The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers is member-driven and the annual membership survey is your chance to influence VaHomeschoolers’ activities and direction. An invitation with a link to the online survey was sent on Monday, August 15, to the e-mail address on record for each member. The survey takes just a few minutes and can be done all at once or just a few questions at a time– so it’s easy to fit the survey in around the edges of your busy schedule. Be sure to check your e-mail inbox for your invitation and complete your survey by the deadline of midnight on Sunday, September 4.
Can’t find your survey invitation? Check the spam folder in your e-mail program to see if the invitation was misdirected. Invitations were sent to all current members at the e-mail address on record; if you have questions about your membership status or need to update your e-mail address, contact us at If you’re not a current member, you can join or renew your membership online at
VaHomeschoolers thanks those who have already completed the survey and looks forward to hearing from all our members.